How to register to vote
The Algonquin Library is a voter registration location, so you absolutely may sign up to vote while checking out your books for the week. Click here for the Algonquin Library’s webpage about Voter Registration. Below is a screenshot of the documents you will need to show us in order to register to vote (from that Voter Registration page). Keep in mind that you must be 18 years old to vote in the United States of America.
How to get a sample of your voting ballot
Visit this link (click here) and then enter in your address information to generate your unique SAMPLE ballot. You cannot use this sample ballot to vote, but you CAN use it to research candidates before you officially cast your final vote. The sample ballot generator is very specific, see this example below (using AAPLD’s address):
How to find where you need to go to vote on November 5th, 2024
The link to get a sample ballot will also tell you where you need to go to vote in-person ON Tuesday, November 5th. The blacked out parts below would be where your precinct number and location are, we just blacked that out for this real example address — since the library isn’t a real residence, it does not show up when you search 2600 Harnish Drive:
How to vote in-person before November 5th, 2024
The Algonquin Library is actually an in-person early voting location for all of McHenry County, which means anyone from any town in McHenry County can vote here from Monday, October 21st to Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. This changes on the actual date of the election — November 5th itself — and you ABSOLUTELY MUST go to your unique voting location for your unique precinct. Click here for a PDF on all early voting locations and information for McHenry County. There is also a screenshot of this document below:
How to get a Volunteer Hour for Voting
Send a photo with your “I Voted” sticker to teen@aapld.org in exchange for a volunteer service hour.
Not in McHenry County? Click here for the Kane County Election Central Website.
Our library district is a silly place in which most people are McHenry County but SOME people are Kane County.