
IL High School Booklist: Lincoln Award

Each year Illinois students in grades 9-12 can vote for their favorite book from the Lincoln Award Master list of 20 titles. The Lincoln Award is given to the book that earns the highest number of student votes. For a book to reach the master list, adult and young adult fiction and nonfiction titles must be nominated by teachers or […]


IL High School Booklist: Read for a Lifetime

Read for a Lifetime is a statewide reading program that targets high school students. This initiative promotes the enjoyment of reading by encouraging students to read both classic and contemporary literature and rewards them for their efforts. By participating in the program, students develop a love of books and reading that will last a lifetime. Illinois high schools, including Jacobs […]


Summer Reading Update 2: Halfway There

This year we have had more teens signup for Summer Reading than all of the library’s recorded history! Remember what we said during Week 2 about Gen Z using public libraries more so than any other living generational cohort? It tracks on a local level too. Once again, if you love data, here is more! These charts break those 241 […]


Summer Reading Update

We are just shy of Week 2 of Read Among the Stars and Algonquin teens are shining bright! Just eleven days into the program and we already have 180 teenagers have signed up for summer reading. Last fall the American Library Association reported that Gen Z is using public libraries more than pervious generations (full article linked here). Aaannnd we […]


How to Find Practice AP Exams on

Video Tutorial: (keep scrolling down for non-video step-by-step instructions)   Non-Video Step-by-Step Instructions: 1.) Go to Hover over the Virtual Library toolbar and select Online Resources from the drop-down menu.                     2.) Once the Online Resources page loads, scroll down to B for BrainFuse HelpNow. Click on it!     […]