Sign-up remotely using Beanstack or stop on into either the Harnish (by Jacobs HS) or Eastgate (by St. Margaret Mary) libraries. Prefer an paper log? Find it here. Everyone who signs up for summer reading is eligible for a small prize. You will then earn your first reading prize after completing 8 hours of reading. The second prize is earned after reading 16 hours. Finally, readers are eligible for their third prize after finishing 24 hours of reading. I want to keep the first couple prizes a surprise, but that third prize is the 2023 Summer Reading T-Shirt and a free book of your choice.
What counts as reading?
- Reading physical books
- Reading eBooks (on your phone, Kindle, tablet, whatever)
- Listening to audiobooks
- Comic books
- AP Literature / Language summer reading book assignments
- Magazines, newspapers, & articles
Grand Prize Drawing Choices:
This year we have a couple different gift card grand prize drawing choices. Each hour of reading counts as one drawing entry. You can earn additional drawing entries by attending teen library programs (1 additional entry per program) or writing book reviews in the Beanstack website/app (1 additional entry per review).