Monday, November 21st
Card Game Cafe from 3:00-4:30pm
Stop in for snacks, drinks, and fun card-based party games. There is of course always Uno, but the library has TONS of card games you have probably never even heard of!
Movie Night: Mean Girls from 6:30-8pm
A down to earth student joins a snobby clique in an effort to spy on the popular kids, then begins to act like them. This “fetch” movie classic is Rated PG-13, 97 minutes long, 2004 release. Snacks and drinks will be served.
Tuesday, November 22nd
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament from 2-4pm
See who is the best at Super Smash! The winner will get a $20 Gamestop Gift Card – just in time for the Black Friday sales.
Wednesday, November 23rd*
Hogwarts Escape Room from 2-4pm
The story starts when you receive your Hogwarts letter. On your way to school, you make a new friend. One afternoon you discover that she has disappeared! Can you figure out what happened?
*The Library will be closing a little bit early on 11/23 in anticipation of Thanksgiving. Our hours are 9am-5pm today (normal hours are 9am-9pm).*