We heard that School District 300 is extending their winter break due to an increase in community Covid19 numbers over the break. What a bummer, we cannot seem to catch a break with this crazy virus! It is seriously the worst.
Even if you are stuck at home isolating due to an omicron exposure, we have plenty of online and curbside services available. You can even still do our Winter Reading Program remotely and pickup your prizes at the drive-up window too.
Curbside Materials Pickup Request Form
- Not sure what you need? Browse our library catalog here
You can reach us remotely by:
- emailing refdesk@aapld.org
- sending a chat to us at www.aapld.org (We are real librarians, NOT an AI Bot!)
- If you can’t see the chat option on the right side of the screen, try disabling your internet browser tools & extensions. For example, AdBlocker does not allow you to see the AAPLD Chat service.
- calling (847) 458-6060