Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity? The Teens’ Top Ten group will be resuming in-person meetings and our first will be Monday, August 23rd from 3:30-4:30pm in the Teen Room. Be sure to signup here. We have not met in-person for a while, so it will be exciting!
Stop in the Harnish library to grab an advanced reader copy and start reviewing today. You may keep these books forever, they are not library books. The Teens’ Top Ten book cart is located in between the Teen Room and the Computer Lab.
What is Teens’ Top Ten?
The Teens’ Top Ten is a booklist created entirely by and for teens. There are only 15 libraries in the entire United States that offer this service and we are are one of them! These 15 groups will nominate books published in a calendar year to create the official Teens’ Top Ten nominations.
In addition to creating the official Teens’ Top Ten nominations, the groups also evaluate books for publishers. More than 30 publishers provide advanced reading copies to teen book discussion groups in libraries and in exchange, teen readers evaluate them. This group is sponsored by the American Library Association.