Review: Red Queen

redqueenRed Queen by Victoria Aveyard is a thrilling story of a young girl and her experiences. Mare Barrow lives in a world where you’re divided by your blood: Silvers vs. Reds. Those with the silver blood and powers have everything while the lowly reds are stuck with the worst of the worst. Until one day, when she gets her own special power. Forced to hide her true identity, she is ushered into the Silver society full of lies, betrayals, secret alliances and more. She quickly learns everything is not what it seems. This is an amazing dystopian read for all those who love science fiction and fantasy. It takes you inside Mare’s world and shows you her struggles and achievements. If you like Victoria Aveyard, be sure to check out the stories following Red QueenGlass Sword and King’s Cage!

Reviewed by Emma Carroll